Monday, 21 January 2013

Back again before schedule...

Hi there, didn't think I would be posting again until sometime in February but it turns out that I'm getting rather ahead of myself. In the past couple of weeks I have managed to complete not just one extra project but two (well maybe one and a half as one was pretty small).

The weather here has gotten pretty cold and we have had a couple of inches of snow on the ground (quite a lot for us here in Nottingham!) for the past four days. This has caused one of my sausage dogs to be reluctant to venture out for his daily perambulate so I decided to make him a little jacket and I must say it has worked a treat. He is now as keen as ever to take a stroll of an evening. I looked for a pattern to follow on the internet but didn't manage to find one and as walk time was fast approaching I decided to crack on and make one for myself.

To make the pattern I measured from the base of Dillon's back to about and inch from the base of his tail, around his neck and also around his chest (behind his front legs- widest part of chest) I then joined up the measurements with a few curvy bits! (Not very technical but you can see how it turned out). I was lucky enough to have an old fleece jacket that I was going to give to charity which rescued  from the donation box as I thought it would be perfect for keeping Dillon cosy.

 I cut out the fabric- you could do this on the fold - due to a few pleats and things on the coat it was easier for me to do it as one flat piece.

I then zigzagged around the whole thing.

This picture (below) shows an adjustment I had to make to the coat after trying it against Dillon, I figured out that if he peed he would get the coat so I had to make the under-belly bit narrower (duh!).

I put buttons on the neck and underbelly fastenings as figured they would be nice and secure.

After another fitting I had to take in the body a bit so the coat wasn't flapping about-  I just put a couple of dart-type things along the side edge.

And here is the final coat which took me about an hour to make- its not fancy but does the jobs well.

Thanks for looking x


  1. I would love to see what it looks like on Dillon.

  2. I would also like to see Dillon model his coat too. Its really cute. Thanks for sharing. Mr Dillon and awesome mom. ����������

  3. I would also like to see Dillon model his coat too. Its really cute. Thanks for sharing. Mr Dillon and awesome mom. ����������

  4. I enjoyed your post. Perfect easy pattern. I join the others wishing to see it on Dillon. Please....
