Thursday, 10 January 2013

Well I must say I am feeling pretty darn pleased with myself...10 days into the first month and I have completed my first sewing project. Not the project I intended to start out with but who cares right? I am also doubly pleased with myself as I remembered to take photos of my they are...(I am not much of a photographer- please don't judge me too harshly!!)

As I had this lovely cheery piece of fabric in stock (Teeny Tiny Zoo by Alexander Henry) I thought I would attempt to hand make a tunic for my scrumptious three year old daughter- she is quite particular about what she wears (already? I know!!) so this may have been misguided- we'll see. As mentioned before I am a rather avid pinterest browser and have a host of tutorials at the ready for such an occasion. The tutorial I chose to follow this is from a wonderful blog call craftiness is not optional, here's the link (now very excited as I have just independently, without having to ask my husband, added a link- all by myself). This is a great tutorial so I'm not going to attempt to do my own version but I'll show you some of the pics I took during the make.

 Thought I would put this pic of my pattern pieces up- as all you expert sew-ers have probably spotted I cut my sleeve pattern wrong but did adjust it before cutting the fabric.

 In the tut Jessica uses a lace looking trim but all I had in stock was some ric-rac so that's what I used!

This is how the tunic looked once the sleeves were attached...most tricky bit for me

I made some binding for the collar by cutting a long strip 2" wide pressing it in half and then folding each half into the centre...

Then pinning and sewing it round the collar- I did adjust my collar opening once the tunic was part assembled as I realised I had only left a big enough opening for a head the size of an orange to fit through!!

This picture is of adding the bottom band on- didn't quite get what Jessica had done and I don't have a serger so I cut a 5" band which I folded in half length ways, folded in the raw edges and sewed onto the bottom of the tunic and viola! (Not without a few sticky moments but think it turned out ok)

It can't be that bad as Scarlett was willing to try it on and even looks happy in it!

 Now technically I don't have to complete another project until the end of February but who knows whilst my enthusiasm is high I might just crack on and start something else. Becky - 1 ; failed new years resolutions - 0.

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